Using Ntdsutil.exe to transfer or seize FSMO roles to a domain controller

公司域控制器是Windows2000系统,虚拟化过程中遇到USN Rollback问题,根据此文解决,于是转载之。


This article describes how to use the Ntdsutil.exe utility to transfer or to seize Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) roles.


Certain domain and enterprise-wide operations that are not good for multi-master updates are performed by a single domain controller in an Active Directory domain or forest. The domain controllers that are assigned to perform these unique operations are called operations masters or FSMO role holders.

The following list describes the 5 unique FSMO roles in an Active Directory forest and the dependent operations that they perform:

  • Schema master - The Schema master role is forest-wide and there is one for each forest. This role is required to extend the schema of an Active Directory forest or to run the adprep /domainprep command.
  • Domain naming master - The Domain naming master role is forest-wide and there is one for each forest. This role is required to add or remove domains or application partitions to or from a forest.
  • RID master - The RID master role is domain-wide and there is one for each domain. This role is required to allocate the RID pool so that new or existing domain controllers can create user accounts, computer accounts or security groups.
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How to remove data in Active Directory after an unsuccessful domain controller demotion

公司域控制器是Windows2000系统,虚拟化过程中遇到USN Rollback问题,根据此文解决,于是转载之。


This article describes how to remove data in Active Directory after an unsuccessful domain controller demotion.

Warning If you use the ADSI Edit snap-in, the LDP utility, or any other LDAP version 3 client, and you incorrectly modify the attributes of Active Directory objects, you can cause serious problems. These problems may require you to reinstall Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, or both Windows and Exchange. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that occur if you incorrectly modify Active Directory object attributes can be solved. Modify these attributes at your own risk.

The Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe) is used for promoting a server to a domain controller and for demoting a domain controller to a member server (or to a stand-alone server in a workgroup if the domain controller is the last in the domain). As part of the demotion process, the wizard removes the configuration data for the domain controller from Active Directory. This data takes the form of an NTDS Settings object that exists as a child of the server object in Active Directory Sites and Services.


Views: 4261

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Domain controllers do not demote gracefully when you use the Active Directory Installation Wizard to force demotion in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows 2000 Server

公司域控制器是Windows2000系统,虚拟化过程中遇到USN Rollback问题,根据此文解决,于是转载之。


Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows Server 2003 domain controllers may not gracefully demote by using the Active Directory Installation Wizard (Dcpromo.exe).


This behavior may occur if a required dependency or operation fails. These include network connectivity, name resolution, authentication, Active Directory directory service replication, or the location of a critical object in Active Directory.


To resolve this behavior, determine what is preventing the graceful demotion of the Windows 2000 or the Windows Server 2003 domain controller, and then try to demote the domain controller by using the Active Directory Installation Wizard again.


Views: 734

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How to detect and recover from a USN rollback in Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2

公司域控制器是Windows2000系统,虚拟化过程中遇到USN Rollback问题,根据此文解决,于是转载之。


This article describes a condition that occurs when a domain controller that is running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2 starts from an Active Directory database that has been incorrectly restored or copied into place. This condition is known as an update sequence number rollback, or USN rollback.

When a USN rollback occurs, modifications to objects and attributes that occur on one domain controller do not replicate to other domain controllers in the forest. Because replication partners believe that they have an up-to-date copy of the Active Directory database, monitoring and troubleshooting tools such as Repadmin.exe do not report any replication errors.

After hotfix 875495 or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 is installed, a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 domain controller logs Directory Services event 2095 when it encounters a USN rollback. The text of the event message directs administrators to this article to learn about recovery options.


Views: 1468

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1 前言


2 软硬件环境及目标

2.1 软件

Windows 10 x64

Cygwin x64

OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05.1

2.2 硬件

树莓派B+ x1

UNITEK Y-1466 USB百兆网卡(芯片应该是ASIX AX88772C) x1

Netcore NW362无线网卡(芯片Realtek rtl8192cu) x1

具有AV接口或HDMI接口的显示器 x1 (可选) 继续阅读

Views: 4793

发表在 树莓派 | 标签为 | 留下评论


1 前言


openvpn-connect-two-lan-on-windows-hosts_01如果所示,服务端在A网络,客户端在B网络。不用去考虑路由器是如何连接到Internet的,只要路由器能上网,就能用OpenVPN通道把192.168.0.0/24和192.168.1.0/24两个局域网连接起来,让其中的主机能够互相访问对方。 继续阅读

Views: 14950

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Linode KVM VPS使用系统自带内核

1 前言

阴差阳错的,在重装系统过程中,把我的VPS由XEN升级为了KVM。系统装好后,一个问题让我犯了难:如何使用Debian 8自带内核?说实话,我不喜欢Linode的内核。


操作系统:Debain 8 amd64

2 设置

2.1 安装官方内核及grub-pc。在安装grub的时候会出现一个界面,让选择把grub安装到哪个设备(如/dev/sda),不要选择任何一个设备;当询问“Continue without installing GRUB?”时,选“Yes”。 继续阅读

Views: 319

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1 前言



2 开启账户审计

开启账户审计后,在域控制器事件查看器的安全性日志中会保存每个账户登录成功失败的记录,这是排除问题的基础。 继续阅读

Views: 483

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Debian 8 “Jessie”发布了,我博客的操作系统也需要升级了。但Debian7时代磁盘镜像用的是ext3文件系统,心里总觉得不爽,一直打算把文件系统改为ext4。终于在昨天下定决心,把整个服务器系统重新做一遍。备份配置文件,备份网站及数据库,花了差不多一天。今天又用了一天时间安装及配置系统。


Views: 242

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Fedora 21共享NTFS分区下的目录

1 前言


2 /etc/samba/smb.conf

	workgroup = MYGROUP
	server string = Samba Server Version %v

	# log files split per-machine:
	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
	# maximum size of 50KB per log file, then rotate:
	max log size = 50

	security = user
	map to guest = Bad User
	passdb backend = tdbsam

	load printers = yes

Views: 272

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